Fia and Edwin - Sunday night

We be chillin and we are about to eat some delicious popcorn and watch a movie.

We did Fia's bio quiz without reading the stupid thing and we got 10/10 on the first quiz, then we did the two last one with just guessing and Edwin won because he guess right on 8 and i had only 7, buuuhuuu!

I am proud of Fia running a 2.08.47 today on her meet and i told her to not think about the race and dont be stressing about the race. I guess my advice helped-

Yeeeaaaah i ran a lifetime best today on the 800m, finally!!! I felt soo good, I was second to the last 150m and then i speed up and passed the leader and finished number one with a new pr and a new backpack.

I am really proud of my girlfriend on finally running that time now i know she is going to run faster this year i have a feeling haha. Yesterday i love the long day with her in downtown san diego and that sushi was good wait it was great.

Yeah but something that wasnt so great was my blisters, i had to walk home barefoot from the trolley haha...

I told her not to do that but she did but o well and then we went to Ralphs and got alot of food and ate alot but those chips were good but Fia thought it was spicy. Wait until she tries my food i cook for her hahahahahahaha!!!

Oooh nooo he likes spicy food and i cant stand spicy food, and he likes watching scary movies and i hate them, but i like him mucho mucho any ways because he is the best <3

Jag alskar dig mycket Fia and i like how she is but i will try my best to make her eat some spicy food or some of my mexican food if not i will see what will i do. muuhaha.

Well that was our lovely weekend but there is still more to write the book just barely started. Buenos DIAS

Peace out

Postat av: Linda

VAAAA sprang du på 2.08?? Det är det än Edwin som är stolt över dig =) GRATTIS!

2010-05-03 @ 06:55:25
Postat av: Coach Edman

Lysande Fia, tänk vad killar kan göra bra saker för er tjejer. gratiis till bra lopp och ditt efterlängtade pers , mer kommer

Soliga Kroatien hälsningar från Richard

2010-05-03 @ 12:03:42
Postat av: Emmy

aaaw vilket gulligt inlägg! hahaha fia jag måste berätta en grej för dig ang det vi pratade om!!!!

GRATTIS IGEN SYSTER DU ÄR BÄÄÄST!!!! njut av känslan då har, både på och utanför banan just nu <3 <3 lots and lots of love

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