Mary'' de ni inte visste om "mary"

Tack urban dictionary för att du lättar upp stämmningen. Här är några av resultatet efter att ha sökt på mitt fina namn:

2. mary  
The best girl a guy could wish for, They dont get any better than her

I would be happy to be with mary as long as possiable

6. Mary 242 up, 62 downlove it hate it
the girl who makes perfect grades, plays sports, is pretty, really cool, athletic and fun! The type of girl is hard to find. She's a really great person to hang out with. She enjoy's english and likes to read.
"Mary, damn she's smart!"

4. Mary 404 up, 119 downlove it hate it
The most amazing person who was ever conceieved onto this earth.
The girl who does anything to make me smile!

She will take anyones breath away.
Why aren't you breathing? Ohhh, did you meet Mary?

3. Mary 1132 up, 412 downlove it hate it
The most amazing name ever.
The person who gets annoyed when people sing "Mary had a little lamb" and "Mary mary quite contrary".
The person who was stupid enough to go to a catholic school, where there was a person in her class called Joseph.

But she's still amazing.
Don't deny it, you know it's true.

Fat Ass: Mary, mary, quite contrary, how does you garden grow?
Mary: Fuck you.

Fat Ass 2: Mary had a little lamb.
Mary: No fatty, she didn't

haha, 3:an va lätt roligast.

och 6:an stämde ju helt överens. ;) LOL

Postat av: Micke

Jag tyckte lätt att ettan var roligast... men den tog du ju inte en med xD hahaha

2010-03-22 @ 09:54:43

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